615 Jones St., Grand Ledge, MI 48837 | Phone: 517-925-5480 | Fax: 517-925-5523 | COVID Line: 517-925-5725
School hours are 8:55am-3:55pm. Please do not drop students off before 8:40am. Students must be picked up by 4pm.
Message from the Principal
August 30, 2024
Getting Back to School Routines
As we wrap up a fantastic first week of school, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks for your support and collaboration. It has been wonderful to see our students settling in so well and bringing enthusiasm to their learning.
To ensure our students continue to thrive, here are some tips for establishing healthy back-to-school routines:
Bedtime and Morning Routines Ensuring a good night of rest and a predictable morning routine will help our students start their day on the right track. Encourage your student(s) to pack their backpack before going to bed and read each day.
Breakfast and Lunch A healthy breakfast is always a great start to the day. Michigan is running the free breakfast and lunch program for all students again this year. If your student would like to eat breakfast at school, they may enter through the orange doors at 8:40am and join our staff in the cafeteria for a meal at no cost to you.
Bus Passes Students will be using bus passes again this year. Kindergarten students and anyone new to Holbrook has been given a bus pass, if they are riding a bus. If your student had a bus pass last year, that is still their active bus pass. If a replacement is needed, please contact the transportation dept. Families are able to track their student(s) on the StopFinder app.
Pick-up/Drop-off Thank you all for following our drop-off and pick-up procedures! Our lines are starting to move quicker. If cars are backed up into the street, please do not block residential driveways. Having your student use the passenger side door to exit/enter the vehicle aids in a smooth and safe transition on and off the sidewalk. For the safety of our students and families, we ask that you use the crosswalk and sidewalks to walk up to the building. If you have a schedule change, please let the office know by 3:00pm. We will relay all messages received by 3:00pm to students prior to dismissal.
Thank you for helping us create a healthy and productive environment for our students. I look forward to a successful 2024-2025 school year!
Kat Farr, Principal
Attendance Reporting
There are several ways to report an absence at Holbrook. When using any of the options below please include the following information; Child's full name, teacher and the reason for their absences. We keep track of all illness for the Barry-Eaton Health Department.
If your child is going to be tardy please let us know what their choice for lunch is before 9:15 am. Thank you!
1. The fastest way is using the online portal atps.glcomets.net. Once you have logged in, select “Attendance Monitor” from the left navigation menu. Then, click “Report New Attendance.” After you have entered the date, reason, and explanation, click Submit. Please note: online attendance reporting is not available in the app; it is only available on the website.
3. Call the main office at 517-925-5480. Feel free to call anytime day or night and if you need to leave a voicemail message, please include your student's full name, teacher and the reason for the absence.
Updating Student Contact Information
Click this link to update your address, name, phone number, email, emergency contacts, medical updates.
To change an address we need two proofs of residency. These are the only forms that we can accept. *Property Tax Statement (the taxes you pay on your home twice a year) *Lease/Rental Agreement (with your name, the address, and the signature pages sign by both the lessee and lessor) *Utility Bill *Mortgage/Home Closing Documents *Cable/Internet Bill *Home/Renter's Insurance
Driver's licenses and voter registration cards are NOT acceptable for this purpose
You can email the documents to hirschmana@glcomets.net or edgettt@glcomets.net.
If you have questions please contact our office at 517-925-5480
Blessings in a Backpack
If your student needs additional food at home, the Grand LedgeBlessings in a Backpack program is here. For over a decade, this program has provided bags of food for weekend meals at no cost to hundreds of students in the Grand Ledge area. For students attending school in-person, a bag of nourishing, kid-friendly food will be placed discretely in their backpack or locker at the end of each week during the school year (except during school breaks.) Examples of some of the food items distributed are: macaroni and cheese, canned vegetables, soup, oatmeal, granola bars, fruit cups, and beef ravioli. If you would like your student to participate in the program, please fill out the permission form that went home or request one from the office. Return the form to the school office by Wednesday, September 11th, for your student to receive the first bag on September 19th.
Holbrook Principal Kat Farr
Mrs. Morgan's Message
Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful and restful summer break!
At the end of last school year, my challenge to the students was to try to read more books than me over the summer break. I read 15 books and listened to 4 audiobooks this summer.
How about you?
Upcoming 2024-25 Dates
Aug 30-Sep 2 » No Students - Labor Day Weekend
Sept 17 » Picture Day
Oct 4 » NO School - Teacher PD
Nov 1 » NO School - Teacher PD
Nov 15 » HALF Day of School
Nov 19, 21 & Dec 3 » Conferences
Nov 27-Dec 2 » Thanksgiving Break
Dec 23-Jan 6 » Winter Break
Jan 20 » NO School - MLK Day
Feb 14 » NO School - Teacher PD
Feb 17 » NO School - President's Day
Mar 7 » HALF Day of School
Mar 11, 13, 18 » Conferences
Mar 21-31 » Spring Break
May 23-26 » NO School - Memorial Day Weekend
Jun 6 » HALF Day of School - LAST DAY!
Counselor's Corner with Mrs. Conner
Hello Holbrook families! I wanted to create a space in our Holbrook newsletter each week to highlight some activities happening in school counseling, and also make this space helpful to our families as we begin the school year. In order to do so, I need your input. Please help me by completing a very short parent/guardian needs assessment survey which can be found here. Your answers will help me to know how I can best support you and your child this school year.
This week I would like to share some resources with families. I have created a school counseling website for the purpose of sharing resources with Holbrook families specific to Social-Emotional Learning. You can find a link to my website here. You will find some great activities to do with your child at home along with local resources for parents.
If your family is in need of local resources for food, housing, healthcare, etc. please check out a list of resources here.
If you or a loved one is in need of mental health resources, please find a listing of resources here.
Lastly, I wanted to share my calendar’s booking page link with Holbrook families. You can use this if you would like to set up a time on my calendar for me to call you directly or if you would like me to check in with your student. You can find my booking link here.
PTO Postings
Stock-the-Lounge was a success! Teachers & staff enjoyed treats, snacks, and beverages all week long as they worked hard on prepping for open houses, kindergarten launch, and the new school year! A special thank you to the families who donated money or food items for this event. We are so lucky to have such an amazing community here at Holbrook!
Our first Popcorn Friday is coming up Friday, September 13. Popcorn will be $1 per bag (max 2) and all funds will go back to the PTO to help support our teachers and classrooms.
Our next Holbrook PTO meeting is Thursday, September 12 at 6:00pm. Our monthly meetings are always open to the public. We strongly encourage all families to attend at any time, and remember, if you care for a Holbrook student in any way, you are already a member of the PTO!
Student Drop Off/Pick Up When dropping off your child in the drop off line, please make sure your student is able to exit the vehicle themselves with their belongings, otherwise please park and walk them to the crosswalk.
Late Arrivals If your student is going to be late and needs school lunch, you must call the office by 9:15am to order lunch for them.
Medication Drop Off If your student will require medication during the school day, you will need to provide the proper paperwork. All medications must be turned into the office by an adult. This includes over the counter medications, any ointments, and cough drops. Medical paperwork can be found on the district website under Parent Resources Medical Paperwork
Blessings in a Backpack If your student needs additional food at home, the Grand LedgeBlessings in a Backpack program is here. For over a decade, this program has provided bags of food for weekend meals at no cost to hundreds of students in the Grand Ledge area. For students attending school in-person, a bag of nourishing, kid-friendly food will be placed discretely in their backpack or locker at the end of each week during the school year (except during school breaks.) Examples of some of the food items distributed are: macaroni and cheese, canned vegetables, soup, oatmeal, granola bars, fruit cups, and beef ravioli. If you would like your student to participate in the program, please fill out the permission form that went home or request one from the office. Return the form to the school office by Wednesday, September 11th, for your student to receive the first bag on September 19th.
Lost and Found The lost and found is located near the gym in playground vestibule. If your student is missing something, please have them check the lost and found. Labeling clothing/items will also help us to return things to students.
Need Shoes or Boots? The Old Newsboys Association of Greater Lansing is a nonprofit charitable organization whose sole purpose is to provide footwear to needy school children. This includes well fitting school shoes, warm boots and socks. For, assistance and to obtain a request for footwear form, please contact our office (hirschmana@glcomets.net).
Need Hats or Gloves? Please call the office (517-925-5480) and let us know. We have a supply of donated items that we'd love to get to your child if needed.
End of the Day Changes If you need to change end of the day plans for your student, please contact the office prior to 3pm so proper notes can be delivered to classrooms. Thank you so much!!
Illness Reminders We ask that your child be 24 hours free of fever (without fever reducing medications), vomiting or diarrhea before you send them back to school after they have been out sick. We appreciate your cooperation with this!
Covid Reporting To report a positive Covid case, please complete the Covid Reporting Form.
Change of Clothes Please send in a change of clothing with your student to be left in their locker. Students have spills during lunch or get muddy/wet on the playground. The office supply of clothing is very limited and students are often more comfortable in their own clothing.
Student Birthday Treat Policy Student birthday treat policy will be up to each individual classroom teacher. Communicate clearly and often with your student’s families regarding your specific policy so they know your expectations. Keep in mind that not all students celebrate birthdays, and not all birthdays are positive for students. Also be sure to be mindful of allergies. Food must be store bought & prepackaged. Encourage healthy snacks at all times.
Raptor Visitor Management System Starting Grand Ledge Public Schools will continue using the Raptor Visitor Management System to enhance the safety of our school buildings. The Raptor system will better allow us to screen school visitors, providing a safer environment for our students and staff. School visitors will be screened during the school day before being allowed to leave the main office and enter the school building. School visitors will be asked to present a valid, government-issued photo ID (such as a driver's license), and it will be scanned or manually entered into the Raptor system. Once entry is approved, Raptor will issue a badge that identifies the visitor, the date, and the purpose of the visit. A visitor’s badge will not be necessary to drop off an item in the main office or to pick up paperwork from there.
Volunteering & Chaperoning Persons wishing to volunteer for Grand Ledge Public Schools are required to complete the Volunteer Registration Form and be approved prior to serving as a volunteer. All volunteers MUST check in at the office to receive a BADGE prior to proceeding to any other area on school property. Please visit District Volunteer Application to complete the process.
District & Community News
Aug. 31 - Sep. 7 » Paryushana Parva
Sep. is Library Card Sign-up Month
Sep. is National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
Sep. 2 » Labor Day
Sep. 7 » Ganesh Chaturthi
Sep. 8 International Literacy Day
Sep. 8 » National Grandparents Day
Sep. 8-14 » National Arts in Education Week
Sep. 11 » Patriot Day
Sep. 15 - Oct. 15 » National Hispanic Heritage Month
Sep. 15-16 » Mawlid Al-Nabi (Birth of the Prophet Muhammad)
Sep. 17 » Citizenship/Constitution Day
Sep. 17-23 » Constitution Week
Sep. 17 » Sybirak’s Day (Poland)
Sep. 18 » National School Backpack Awareness Day
Sep. 21 » International Day of Peace
Sep. 22 » First Day of Autumn
Sep. 28 » National Good Neighbor Day
Sep. 29 » Mid-Autumn Festival (Moon Festival; Mooncake Festival)
Sep. 29 - Oct. 6 » Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)
Sep. 30 » National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Canada)
Is something missing? Please share with John Ellsworth, GLPS Director of Communications, any additional Recognitions & Acknowledgments you think we should include on this list or upcoming lists – email him at EllsworthJ@GLcomets.net.
Grand Ledge Public Schools is excited to offer free breakfast and free lunch to all students this school year – thanks to the Michigan School Meals Program!
The information collected from the application / Education Benefits Form for the Michigan School Meals Program is used to provide additional services and benefits beyond just school meals. The information is needed to ensure students get all the benefits they are entitled to and so schools receives state and federal funding for educational programs. Without this information, Grand Ledge Public Schools could lose critical funding for educational programs that help our students.
Paper applications are also available in all school offices or by calling the food service office at 517-925-5733.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with Darrin Gyurich at 517-925-5733.
Board Vacancy Posted August 27, 2024
August 27, 2024 - The Grand Ledge Public Schools Board of Education is actively seeking to fill a vacancy on the Board. All persons interested in filling this partial-term vacancy (through December 31, 2024), should submit their letter of interest including resume, address and qualification, along with a letter affirming eligibility (which includes a statement that the applicant lives in the district and is not on the district payroll) to the Superintendent's Executive Assistant Kim Manning electronically at manningk@glcomets.net, in person to the Superintendent's Office located at 220 Lamson Street in Grand Ledge, or by mail to the Superintendent's Office, 220 Lamson Street, Grand Ledge, MI 48837, by 8:00 a.m. on September 5, 2024 (10 days from the date of this posting).
The Board shall screen the applicants and interview no more than five (5) interested candidates at their September 9, 2024 meeting to ascertain their qualifications. All applicants may not be interviewed. Candidates selected to be interviewed will be allowed up to approximately three minutes to introduce themselves to the board and highlight their qualifications. Then the board will proceed with interview questions that will be at the discretion of each individual board member. The Board will confirm that the appointee is legally qualified to hold office. Appointment by the Board to fill a vacancy shall be by majority vote of the full Board.
Annual Notices for FERPA & PPRA
No action is required of families, but Grand Ledge Public Schools (GLPS) is legally required to annually provide families with information about the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA). FERPA information is on our website at GLcomets.net/FERPA, and PPRA information is on our website at GLcomets.net/PPRA.
Lifeline is an FCC program that helps make communications services more affordable for low-income consumers. Lifeline provides subscribers a discount on qualifying monthly telephone service, broadband Internet service, or bundled voice-broadband packages purchased from participating wireline or wireless providers. The discount helps ensure that low-income consumers can afford 21st century connectivity services and the access they provide to jobs, healthcare, and educational resources.
Your student GLADL library eCard number is your Student ID. For example if your name is Jane Patron, your student ID might be “jp23468” — Your initial PIN number was set to 1234.
With a Digital GLADL Library Card you are ready to start using ALL of the library's online resources. Need help — please call 517-627-7014 or email questions@gladl.org.
Just stop by the Grand Ledge Area District Library with a parent or guardian to upgrade your eCard to a full Library Card. With a full-access Library Card, you can request books from GLADL & Mel and have them delivered to your SCHOOL LIBRARY! MelCat gives you access to over 40 million items from over 400 school, public, and university libraries across Michigan.